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Not everyone who needs access to
life’s necessities has it—a problem
SlimTrader is dedicated to solving.

To be sure, many of Africa’s 50-plus individual economies face
serious challenges, including poverty, disease, and high infant mortality.
Yet Africa’s collective GDP, at $1.6 trillion in 2008, is now roughly equal to Brazil’s or Russia’s, and the continent is among the world’s most rapidly growing economic regions. This acceleration is a sign of hard-earned progress and promise.

– McKinsey Global Institute, June 2010

In Africa, withdrawing money, paying a bill, and other essential tasks often involve an arduous journey, a day-long wait, or some other hardship.

From Algeria to South Africa, the
availability of basic goods and services isn't the problem. It's
access to them.

The proliferation of mobile phone and smartphone networks has fueled a phenomenal growth in Africa’s economy.

Africa boasts a GDP of
$1.6 trillion as of 2008,
according to the
McKinsey Global Institute.

Since 2000, more than 316 million people in Africa have signed on for mobile service.

From Senegalese fisherman to Nigerian financiers, mobile phones have transformed the way Africans do business.

The result of massive investment by the mobile phone industry in Africa: Reduced costs, new payment platforms, and
information exchanges.

How mobile puts business at the tip of Africa’s fingers.
Across the African continent, internet penetration is low, computers are often too expensive to purchase, and online business transactions can be logistically complicated to execute. Mobile phones are the ideal solution for easy online transactions and communication. They have also made accessing free online casinos, listed in the คาสิโนออนไลน์ ฟรี blog, incredibly convenient, allowing users to play their favorite casino games anytime, anywhere. This mobility has led to a surge in popularity of online gambling, as players can now enjoy a vast array of free games directly from their smartphones, enhancing accessibility and gaming flexibility. 

July 2, 2012

TED, the nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, announces today 20 new members of 2011's TEDGlobal Fellows class. The group includes the founder of SlimTrader.

June 7, 2011